Saturday 9 April 2016

Snail Mail Tips - Overcome Letter Writers Block

So there comes a time when you are writing your letter and your brain then goes and has the world's massive brain fart...

In these situations it's very hard to continue with what your are writing and then it starts to feel like more of a chore than pleasure to sit and write a letter.

Pallies like me, however, suffer with something called 'verbal diarrhoea' - well...maybe not verbal...maybe 'written diarrhoea'...Anyway...

I find it hard to turn the switch off when I am writing and find I can go on for quite a while. So let me tell you my tips and tricks to help you keep on writing with ease and spread the 'written diarrhoea' like it's Noro virus!

I really need to stop the loo based metaphors...

Anyway...I digress...

These are not the ordinary "getting to know you" things to write. No, these tips are when you have finally got passed that stage. When your letters consist of more than "my name is...i am...I live...I like...". this is when some people struggle a bit 

Tip 1.

Read your pallie's letter thoroughly and see if there is anything you have missed and comment on it. If you're worried that it'll make you look unobservant, don't worry. Half the time - although I remember what I wrote about - I don't remember what order I've written my letter in, I'm guessing most other pallies are the same. 

Tip 2.

Find their older letters and comment on things they have mentioned - are things still the same? 

Tip 3.

Do a running commentary. Are you sat down watching something on the telly? Make a comment about it. Are you sat in a coffee shop? Comment about the things happening around you. comment on things that your are doing, eating, drinking, listening to...etc...

 Sometimes absolutely hilarious stuff happens and it makes a most entertaining letter!

haha! i love this pallie!

Tip 4 

Ask a random question.
 Hey, it may not fit in with what you are currently writing, but announcing "Random question!" will make a place for it! 

Tip 5

Random announcements.
For example:

"You know what's funny? blah...blah...blah..."

"You never guess what happened! Blah...blah...blah..." 

"O.M.G! Blah...blah..blah..."

Okay, don't do the "blah, blah, blah" but suddenly announcing these will make a place for a new subject even if it wouldn't fit in naturally before.

Tip 6 

Draw a doodle. Even better if you can't draw for shit, hopefully it'll make your pallie laugh. And that's what counts, right?

Tip 7

Cut out a picture and comment on it. 

Tip 8

Got a random thought? Write it! I love it when my pallies are random. It makes me feel like I'm sitting there with them having a cuppa....or glass of wine...depending on how random the thought...

Tip 8

Having trouble starting off your letter?
Here's a few opening lines to consider depending on situation -

"Hello Lovely! What have you been to?" Then go on what you've been up to. After you do that go back to your pallies letter and comment.

If they've been very generous and given you some goodies make it a point to thank them straight away for it! 
"Thank you for you lovely letter! And thank you so much for giving me x, w and z..."

After the general 'Hellos' and 'How do you dos?' you could remind them slightly of their own letter. Depending on how long ago they wrote to you *cough* they may need a little reminder.

If that is the case you might want to consider the next few ideas...   

And here's some ideas for if you're late replying...

"Hello! you still remember me...?"

"Hello lovely! *insert grovelling here*"

"I was sucked into Narnia and I was made their Queen! really wasn't...I just suck..."

Tip 9

Don't worry about structure. 
  Just let it flow naturally. I find when I write like that my letters are more of a pleasure to write than a chore. When I feel I need to structure it, I get in a fluster when it's not written in the order I planned at first because I forgot to write something.

I hope that helps!

Happy writing!!


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