So I've been on bit of a roll recently making a lot of creative snail mail. I absolutely love making things like this and can't wait to send them on their merry way to all my lovely pallies!
It's made from envelopes from a letter set by Paperchase. The collection it is from is called Hello Sweetie. It's super cute, with pastel colours perfect for spring/summer.(I have to admit, I'm ready for a bit of Spring and Summer now! I'm bored of all this cold weather! Roll on Summer!!)
This one is particular is more for those pen-pals who you just can't shut up to in your letter! It gives plenty of for a lovely, long letter in one pocket and then the other two can be used for goodies or a mail tag.
I used 3 envelopes from the set and stuck them down with scor tape (since that is the best tape I have at present - the tape runner at the moment is failing dreadfully!).
Rather than stick down side by side with washi tape I stuck the envelope's flap on the other envelope, giving it better stability. I also alternated the way round I stuck them down so that it looked more accordion-like.
I then punched a hole of the front and set an eyelet with my Crop-A-Dile. I plan to use this for the closure.
On the edges stuck down some washi tape to prevent the sides getting ripped and worn.
Then I decorated the crap out of it!!
I used a selection of project life cards, the washi tapes from the Hello Sweetie collection and a selection of different stickers, enamel dots and die-cuts I had in my stash. I wanted to keep it looking pretty simple.
I made a different version of this using the same collection but instead of using the letter set I used the treat bags.
This one is pretty easy to make. Just stick together with washi tape. I stuck a notecard inside, again from Paperchase.
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